Monday, May 30, 2011

ForceSC2strategy - Youtube gaming channel reviews

This is going to be the 4th section of my blog. As you know this is more of an entertainment blog where I review both games and movies as well as keeping you up to date with my own personal gaming life that includes my gaming setup and what I might be doing during the day or week.

The 4th section is going to be about youtube channels that I've found that are very good for gaming news or just entertaining to watch about games. Feel free to comment below about any channels that you know about that are about gaming or even those that you find entertaining.

Youtube Channel:
Most recent video:

Why watch/checkout/subscribe?:

I subscribed to the channel at first for Starcraft 2 tips and tutorials that the channel made dubbed: Like-A-Boss, where they talked about strategies and tips to improve your gaming. The channel also does Starcraft 2 game commentaries if you enjoy those. What set this channel out of the other ones for me was its most recent reviews and podcasts about the new upcoming Blizzard game: Diablo 3.

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.


  1. Great idea. Sounds like a good channel.

  2. I could always learn some more strategies. I'll leave this channel running on my 2nd monitor.

  3. sc2 is a whole different monster from sc1 lol i cant even compare the 2 xD

  4. Ill defo be looking at these channels. Cheers.

  5. i enjoyed it very much mmmm
